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Biden’s trip to Israel, Israel’s attack on Gaza, politics in the US and Israel: Harold Meyerson of The American Prospect comments – and talks about why he left DSA; and Amy Wilentz, former Jerusalem correspondent for The New Yorker, provides analysis. 10-19-2023
Living in the USA
UAW victories at GM: Harold Meyerson; Public Power in Maine: Bill McKibben; “The Forgotten Girls”: Katha Pollitt
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The UAW won a historic victory when GM agreed that workers in EV and battery factories would be covered by the union contract. Harold Meyerson comments on that, and on Israel’s war with Hamas.
Plus: Voters in Maine will decide next month whether to turn the state’s private utilities public. If that happens, it would be a huge step toward dealing with the climate crisis, and a model for other states. Bill McKibben will explain.
Also: Two girls grew up in the 1980s and ’90s in a small town in Arkansas. One made it out and became a successful journalist and writer; her best friend, who had been super smart as a kid, fell into drugs, getting pregnant too young, and petty crime. How did their lives turn out to be so different? Katha Pollitt talks about the wonderful new memoir by Monica Potts, The Forgotten Girls. 10-12-2023
Our Biggest Ever Healthcare Strike: Harold Meyerson; plus the ‘Fabulous Failure’ of Bill Clinton: Nelson Lichtenstein
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Kaiser Workers’ strike this week is the largest by healthcare workers in US history. Harold Meyerson comments. Also: ethnic politics in California.
Plus: Our politics today is haunted by the failures of Bill Clinton—the “centrist” who “triangulated” with Republicans, lost on healthcare, and proclaimed that “the era of big government is over.” Nelson Lichtenstein will explain Clinton’s turn to the right, and the lessons for today’s Democrats. His new book on Clinton has the wonderful title A Fabulous Failure.
Also: Your Minnesota Moment: a big new solar energy project is in the works. 10-5-2023
Biden on the picket line: Harold Meyerson; plus Dahlia Lithwick on voting rights, and Adam Hochschild on guns
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Joe Biden joined a UAW picket line on Tuesday – the first president ever to do so. Harold Meyerson comments.
Plus: the right-wing supermajority on the Supreme Court has returned to a case about racial gerrymandering in Alabama, where Republicans have defied the Court’s order. Dahlia Lithwick will comment about that, and about her book Lady Justice: Women, the Law, and the Battle to Save America—it’s out now in paperback.
Also: Adam Hochschild reports on visiting a gun show, and explains why the Koch Brothers are major funders of the NRA—even though they are not especially enthusiastic about guns. (Broadcast originally in April, 2018). 9-28-2023
Is the UAW Asking for Too Much? Harold Meyerson; plus Astra Taylor on Insecurity and Amy Wilentz on Melania and Ivanka
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The UAW is being criticized by the corporate-Wall Street wing of the Democratic Party for seeking ‘too much’ in their current strike. Harold Meyerson responds.
Plus: We face two kinds of insecurity in our lives today, Astra Taylor argues: existential insecurity, the unavoidable issues of life and death, and manufactured insecurity—intended to make workers more submissive to authority. Communal action can do a lot to reduce the second kind. Astra’s new book is “The Age of Insecurity: Coming Together As Things Fall Apart.”
Also: Melania and Ivanka Trump have been mostly absent from the former president’s side as he rages against the 91 felony charges brought against him in four different trials. Amy Wilentz comments on the news, the rumors, and the photos. 9-21-2023
Fast Food Workers Victory: Harold Meyerson; Haiti update: Amy Wilentz; Black Writing: Gary Younge
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Harold Meyerson reports on a major victory in the California state legislature that will raise pay for fast food workers from $15.50 to $20. Also: those Trump polls.
Plus: the news from Haiti, where the UN, with US support, is authorizing a new security force. Made up of mostly Kenyan troops, it’s supposed to restore “law and order” in Port-au-Prince. The Nation’s Amy Wilentz reports.
Also: Gary Younge, the award-winning former columnist for The Guardian, talks about Black writing and Black writers—and his own writing about Mandela, Obama, Trayvon Martin, and Claudette Colvin.
And Your Minnesota Moment: today, child labor violations in Mankato. 9-14-2023
Biden’s Bad Poll Numbers: Harold Meyerson, plus Marc Cooper on Chile and Heather Cox Richardson on Democracy
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Harold Meyerson analyzes Biden’s weak poll numbers, and our historic upsurge in labor activism.
Plus: September 11th is the 50th anniversary of the coup that overthrew Salvador Allende in Chile, ending 150 years of democracy there and putting the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Power. Marc Cooper will comment.
Also: Every night, more than a million people read Heather Cox Richardson’s newsletter about the day’s political events. We’ll talk with her about her new book, “Democracy Awakening,” and about the history of Americans’ fight for equality—she remains optimistic, despite Trump’s current polling. 9-7-2023
Labor’s Big Win: Harold Meyerson; Growing up in the Sixties: Drew Faust
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The Biggest news from the NLRB in decades: Harold Meyerson reports – also: the auto workers prepare to strike.
Also: Harvard’s first woman president, Drew Faust, talks about how she became a civil rights and anti-war activist in the sixties: her new book is “Necessary Trouble.” 8-31-2023
Hollywood Strikes: Light at the end of the tunnel? Harold Meyerson; plus Erwin Chemerinsky on the Georgia Indictments
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There seems to be progress toward a settlement of the strikes by Hollywood writers and actors–Harold Meyerson reports.
Also: if it was a good strategy for Special Prosecutor Jack Smith to charge Trump with four felonies, is it also a good idea for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to charge Trump and 18 other people with a total of 41 felonies? Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at UC Berkeley, explains. 8-24-2023
Sasha Abramsky on the Culture Wars; D.D. Guttenplan on Cornel West; Francine Prose on “Vixen”
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Public Libraries are often wonderful places, but they have become targets of right-wing attack in the culture war. Sasha Abramsky reports on the battle in one small town in Eastern Washington state.
Also: Cornel West should not run as a 3rd party candidate, but in the Democratic Primaries – that’s what D.D. Guttenplan says – he’s editor of The Nation.
Plus: A comic novel about Ethel and Julius Rosenberg? Who’d have thought that was possible? Francine Prose has written one: it’s called “The Vixen,” and it’s terrific. (recorded in July, 2021) 8-17-2023