KPFK Wed. 1/30: Could McCain Beat Hillary?

Our super-Tuesday preview: polls show Hillary well ahead of Barack Obama, and McCain rising to the top among Republicans. Polls also show that voters nationally prefer McCain over Hillary right now, 46-44. We’re supposed to focus on the issues, not on the horse race; but I’m worried about the horse race: Could McCain win in November? HAROLD MEYERSON will comment — he says growing economic problems will hurt McCain’s chances. Harold is executive editor of The American Prospect and an op-ed columnist for the Washington Post.

Also: When Hamas blew open Gaza’s border fence with Egypt last week, they struck a decisive blow against Israeli policy, and Bush White House policy, which held that forcing the Palestians to suffer food and power shortages would turn them against Hamas. AMY WILENTZ will comment; she was Jerusalem correspondent for the New Yorker, and is a contributing editor of The Nation. She also wrote an award-winning novel about Palestinians and Israelis: Martyr’s Crossing.
READ Amira Hass in Haaretz: “Finally, A Popular Uprising

Plus: The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s followed in the wake of a broad, raucous, communist movement that flourished from the 1920s through the 1940s. These home-grown radicals, labor activists, newspaper editors, and intellectuals employed every strategy imaginable to take Dixie down. That’s what GLENDA GILMORE says – her new book is Defying Dixie: The Radical Roots of Civil Rights, 1919–1950. Glenda teaches history at Yale.

More stuff to read: my new piece at the Huffington Post, If Obama is JFK, Who Does That Make Hillary?”

If Obama is JFK, Who is Hillary? HuffPost 1/30

Jan. 30: Ted Kennedy’s statement Monday that Obama was like JFK set off a storm of historical analogies. Hillary’s side fired back that she is like Bobby Kennedy–at least that’s what three of Bobby’s kids said the next day: “Like our father, Hillary has devoted her life to embracing and including those on the bottom rung of society’s ladder,” Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Kerry Kennedy declared.

Hillary herself has claimed not so long ago that SHE is our JFK: “A lot of people back then [1960] said, ‘America will never elect a Catholic as president,’ ” she said in New Hampshire last March. “When people tell me ‘a woman can never be president,’ I say, we’ll never know unless we try.” And of course she also compared herself to LBJ, whose political skills, she said, made it possible for him to sign into law what she called “Dr. King’s dream.”

Nicholas Kristoff of the New York Times compared Obama to Lincoln (both were undistinguished newcomers when they ran for president). Paul Krugman of the New York Times compared Hillary to Grover Cleveland (both were conservative Democrats in a Republican era). Biographer Joseph Ellis compared Obama to Thomas Jefferson (both spoke in favor of nonpartisan politics).

Sorting out these claims is, of course, a job for professionals–professional historians. They too are partisans. The only organized political group of historians in this campaign in Historians for Obama, which includes Joyce Appleby, former president of the American Historical Association; Robert Dallek, the award-wining presidential biographer; David Thelen, former editor of the Journal of American History; and the Pulitzer-prize winning Civil War historian James McPherson.

Their statement made some sweeping analogies: “Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and kept the nation united; Franklin D. Roosevelt persuaded Americans to embrace Social Security and more democratic workplaces; John F. Kennedy advanced civil rights and an anti-poverty program. Barack Obama has the potential to be that kind of president.”

On the other side, there is no historians-for-Hillary organization, but there is Sean Wilentz–the Princeton professor and award-winning author of The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln, who testified for the defense at the Clinton impeachment hearing. He recently took on the key Obama analogies in an Los Angeles Times op-ed. First, he said, Obama is no JFK: “By the time he ran for president, JFK had served three terms in the House and twice won election to the Senate,” Wilentz wrote. “Before that, he was, of course, a decorated veteran of World War II, having fought with valor in the South Pacific.”

And to compare Obama to Lincoln, Wilentz says, is “absurd”: “Yes, Lincoln spent only two years in the House,” but in 1858, when he ran unsuccessfully for the Senate, Lincoln “engaged with Stephen A. Douglas in the nation’s most important debates over slavery before the Civil War.”

On the other hand, Robert Dallek, author of biographies of LBJ and Kennedy, has explained that the appeal of JFK in 1960 has clear parallels to Obama’s campaign today: “it’s the aura, it’s the rhetoric, the youthfulness, the charisma,” he told the Chicago Tribune blog “The Swamp.”

Then there is the Lincoln analogy. Eric Foner, the former American Historical Association president and author of Reconstruction, points out that, in 1860, the Republicans had to choose between two candidates: one who claimed decades of experience in politics, the other with much less, who won support because his oratory was so inspiring and he was deemed more electable. In 1860, the candidate with experience lost the nomination to Lincoln; he was William H. Seward. That makes it fair to say that Hillary could be our Seward.

KPFK Wed. 1/23: Barbara Ehrenreich: The Stimulus

“Desperately Seeking Stimulus”: BARBARA EHRENREICH says that the issue replacing Iraq in the election is “how to get the economy engorged and throbbing again.”

Plus: CHALMERS JOHNSON on the bankrupt empire: The military adventurers of the Bush administration have much in common with the corporate leaders of the defunct energy company Enron. Both failed even to address the problem of how to finance their schemes of imperialist wars and global domination. Chalmers Johson’s Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic, was published yesterday in paperback. His new piece appears at
Read Chalmers Johnson on “Charlie Wilson’s War”
Watch the video: Chalmers Johnson on American Hegemony

Also: GANG LEADER FOR A DAY: When a grad student in sociology at the U. of Chicago walked into an abandoned building in one of Chicago’s most notorious housing projects, he was looking for people to take a multiple-choice survey on urban poverty. As a result, SUDHIR VENKATESH befriended a gang leader named JT and spend a decade inside the projects under JT’s protection, documenting what he saw there. Sudhir will be reading from and signing his new book Gang Leader for A Day at Vroman’s Bookstore, 5695 E. Colorado Blvd in Pasadena, tonight/Wed at 700pm.

Julian Bond on the 1960s: KPFK 1/16

JULIAN BOND on SNCC, the sixties, and civil rights.  He was one of the founders of SNCC in 1960, and led protests against segregation in Georgia.  From 1998 to 2010, he was chairman of the NAACP.  His essay, “”The Movement We Helped Make”,” appears in the book Long Time Gone: Sixties America Then and Now, edited by Alexander Bloom. (originally broadcast July 31, 2001).

also: HAROLD MEYERSON analyzes the Jan. 19 Nevada caucuses – he calls Las Vegas “workers’ paradise” where the 60,000-member hotel employees union, Local 226 of the Culinary Workers, has endorsed Obama.Harold is executive editor of The American Prospect and an op-ed page columnist for The Washington Post; he wrote about “The Caesar’s Palace Soviet ”for the Prospect website.

Plus: France and the US: today on one side of the Atlantic we’ve had “freedom fries” and beaujolais poured down the sewer; on the other, mobs attacking McDonalds.It wasn’t always that way: VANESSA SCHWARTZ shows how, in the 1950s and 1960s, Hollywood loved Paris, and, as the cover of Look magazine declared in 1958, “Brigitte Bardot conquers America.” The result was a rich and cosmopolitan film culture.Vanessa teaches history and film studies at USC; her new book is It’s So French! Hollywood, Paris, and the Making of Cosmopolitan Film Culture.

KPFK 1/9: Hillary & Obama in New Hampshire

our day-after analysis of the Democratic and Republican primaries in New Hampshire: John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation, and John Powers, columnist for LA Magazine, will answer the big questions about Hillary v. Obama and McCain v. Romney. Also: how perverse is the New Hampshire primary?
John Nichols writes “The Online Beat” blog at;
John Powers’s piece The Hillary Puzzle” appears in the new issue of Los Angeles Magazine.

also: People, pants, and global trade: RACHEL LOUISE SNYDER looks at the human, environmental, and political forces shaping the multi-billion dollar denim industry. She’s one of the few jouranlists ever to be granted permission to accompany factory monitors visiting a Gap factory in China, and her story about Cambodia’s garment workers was featured on “This American Life.” Rachel’s book is Fugitive Denim: A Moving Story of People and Pants in the Borderless World of Global Trade. She will be speaking and signing Wed. nite at Book Soup, 8818 Sunset Blvd, W. Hwyd, 7pm.

KPFK 12/26/2007: Writers on Strike, cont.

The writers’ strike continues: HOWARD RODMAN updates the issues: the significance of Letterman & Leno, and Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert going back on the air in January, and of the union striking the Academy Awards broadcast. Mostly, we’ll talk about how the writers can win. Howard is a board member of the Writers Guild of America, West, and teaches screenwriting at USC; his screen adaptation of Savage Grace, starring Julianne Moore, premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2007, plays at Sundance this month, and opens in May.
WATCH the hilarious “Heartbreaking Voices of Uncertainty”

Also: best books of the year: SUSAN FALUDI exposes they way the 9-11 attacks led to a call to restore “traditional” manhood, marriage, and maternity. “Once again,” she says, Americans “fled from self-knowledge and retreated into myth.” Susan wrote the unforgettable book BACKLASH; her new book is The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in post-9/11 America. (originally broadcast Oct. 31, 2007).

Plus: some of our favorite holiday music: two versions of “Please Come Home for Christmas” — Darlene Love, and Aaron Neville — and of course Poncho Sanchez “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.”

KPFK 12/19: The Year in Review

IRAQ: American officials in Baghdad inhabit an isolated world: the Green Zone, a walled fortress filled with villas, swimming pools, and shiny new SUVs. It’s ground zero for cultural blindness, neo-con fanaticism, and imperial fantasy – the place where the American effort to remake Iraq was always doomed to failure. RAJIV CHANDRASEKARAN of the Washington Post tells that story — his book is Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone. (broadcast April 4, 2007)

Also: THE POLITICS OF HEALTH CARE: I spoke with New York Times op-ed columnist PAUL KRUGMAN about that topic at ALOUD at Central Library, a free series at the Los Angeles Public Library presented by the Library Foundation of L.A., and we will feature highlights of that conversation. Krugman’s new book is The Conscience of a Liberal. (broadcast Nov. 7, 2007)

Plus: HILLARY: is she a closet leftist and radical feminist? Has she been targeted by a vast right-wing conspiracy? We talked with CARL BERNSTEIN about Hillary’s 1960s; why she left Washington for Arkansas in 1974; why her 1993 health care plan ended in disaster; and why so many people don’t like her. Carl Bernstein of course is the Watergate Pulitzer Prize-winner; his new book is A WOMAN IN CHARGE: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton. (broadcast July 18, 2007)

KPFK 12/12: The Nuclear Danger Now

We thought The Bomb might disappear with the Cold War – but instead we face the rising danger of nuclear terrorism and the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea occupying center stage in the presidential election. We’ll have comment and analysis from JONATHAN SCHELL – his new book is The Seventh Decade: The New Shape of Nuclear Danger. Jonathan writes for The Nation and Harper’s, and is currently teaching at Yale.

Plus: historian DAVID NASAW talks about Andrew Carnegie: he was the richest man in the world; he crushed the Homestead Strike — and he opposed US imperialism. David’s book Andrew Carnegie is out now in paperback. (Originally broadcast Oct. 25, 2006)

ALSO: Rethinking “McGovernism”: George McGovern’s 1972 campaign is often blamed for moving the Democratic Party away from the working man towards women, blacks, gays, environmentalists, and peacniks.  BRUCE MIROFF argues that recent Democratic presidential candidates fearful of “McGovernism” have moved to the center — and lost. Bruce teaches history at SUNY Albany; his new book is The Liberals’ Moment: The McGovern Insurgency and the Identity Crisis of the Democratic Party.

KPFK 12/5: Arguing About Gitmo

Today the Supreme Court hears arguments in what may be the most important constitutional case of the decade: whether the men detained at Guantanamo have a right to a fair trial before a real court. ERWIN CHEMERINKSY will comment – he has been named dean of the new UC Irvine law school, and he represents one of the Gitmo detainees whose case is before the court.
Read about the case at The Center for Constitutional Rights
Watch the video that Fox News refused to run

Also: Have the Democrats already blown the biggest swing state? BOB MOSER reports on Florida politics – he’s been writing for The Nation about the Democrats’ efforts to win back the South in 2008.

Plus: When politics worked in California: JESSE UNRUH ran the state’s Democratic party at mid-century, before term limits and lavish campaign spending – he was a fighting populist who wrote civil rights and education laws that were well ahead of their time. BILL BOYARSKY will explain – his new book is Big Daddy: Jesse Unruh and the Art of Power Politics. Bill was an award-winning reporter and editor for the LA Times for 30 years; now he teaches at USC and is covering the primaries for TruthDig.