KPFK Wed. 8/4: “Guilty” in Gitmo

The first military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay has come up with a predictable verdict of “guilty” for Osama bin Laden’s driver in the first US war crimes tribunal since WWII. But Salim Ahmed Hamdan was found “not guilty” of conspiracy. The ACLU has called the trial ‘an embarrassment.’ UCI’s new law school dean ERWIN CHEMERINSKY will comment.
Also: As host to the Olympics for the first time, China wants to be seen not as a country with a low-wage capitalist labor system and totalitarian restrictions on politial expression, and not as a central force for global warming and environmental devastation, but rather as a friendly world power. JEFFREY WASSERSTROM will comment; he teaches Chinese history at UC Irvine, is co-founder of The China Beat blog, and his latest blog at the Huffington Post, with Kate Merkel-Hess, is ‘Five Things We Wish George Bush Would Read Before his Olympic Trip to China.’

Plus: Medical Marijuana is transforming the pot industry, making pot the leading cash crop in America in 2006 – when 20 million pot plants brought in something like fourteen billion dollars. DAVID SAMUELS of The New Yorker will explain — he spent six months with a pot broker in Venice, in pot grow rooms, and in other places where medical marijuana is produced, traded, sold and consumed in California.