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The inauguration of Joe Biden was delightfully normal–Harold Meyerson comments on what happened — and what didn’t.
Plus: Alan Minsky, Executive Director of Progressive Democrats of America, discusses the challenges facing the Congressional Progressive Caucus–and the opportunities.
And our film and TV critic Ella Taylor reviews “Assassins,” an amazing documentary about the assassination of the brother of Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, in Kuala Lampur airport, by two teenage girls. 1-21-2020
Joe Biden and Us: Joan Walsh; plus Barbara Ransby on Biden and Black America, and Gary Younge on Storming the Capitol
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Biden’s inauguration marked a triumph of hope over fear, says Joan Walsh. First we celebrate, and then we go to work debating what is possible and what is necessary—all the things that real people really need. The next four years will bring progressives some political frustration and some disappointments, but that will be so much better than what we’ve had for the last four years.
Plus: In Joe Biden’s first speech as president-elect, he promised Black America that he would have their backs. Now he needs to take prompt action to fulfill that pledge. Barbara Ransby comments—she’s a historian, writer, and longtime political activist, a distinguished professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, best known for her award-winning biography Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement.
Also, Gary Younge, the award-winning former columnist for The Guardian and member of The Nation‘s editorial board, comments on the insurrectionists of January 6. They failed to stop Congress from certifying Biden as the winner of the election—so what WAS the plan? And what IS their future? 1-20-2021
Trump’s Crime: Incitement of Insurrection—John Nichols on impeachment, plus Astra Taylor on debt and Robert Lipsyte on Trump and golf
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As the House moves to impeach Trump—a second time—for “incitement of insurrection,” Republican support for Trump is wavering. John Nichols comments on the historic moment that is at hand.
Also: Biden’s first 100 days begin January 20, and his first acts should include an executive order cancelling student debt—that’s what Astra Taylor says, she’s co-founder of the Debt Collective and has published widely. Other forms of debt cancellation can follow—medical debt, consumer debt, the coming bills for deferred rent and mortgage payments.
Plus: the PGA is cancelling their longstanding plans to hold the U.S. Open at Trump’s Bedminster golf course in New Jersey. The New York Times reports he is more devastated by this than by impeachment. The legendary sportswriter Robert Lipsyte comments on Trump and golf. (This segment originally broadcast in August, 2017). 1-14-2021
Impeachment and the Inauguration: Harold Meyerson; Insurrection in History: Eric Foner; “MLK/JFK”: Ella Taylor; Trump & Golf: Bob Lipsyte
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The impeachment vote barely papered over the growing crisis in the Republican party, says Harold Meyerson of The American Prospect. Harold comments also on security at the Biden inauguration.
Also: Eric Foner provides some historical perspective on the attack last week on the capitol.
Plus: Ella Taylor talks about the new documentary “MLK/FBI”, on J. Edgar Hoover’s attempt to “destroy” Martin Luther King–“destroy” is the FBI’s own term.
And finally, the PGA is cancelling their longstanding plans to hold the US Open at Trump’s Bedminster golf course in New Jersey. Trump, we are told, is more devastated by this than by impeachment. The legendary sportswriter Robert Lipsyte comments on Trump and golf. (broadcast originally in August 2017) 1-14-2021
The Trump Mob that Stormed the Capitol: Joan Walsh and Eric Foner
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Wednesday was one of the worst days in the history of American democracy—Joan Walsh comments on the Trump mob that stormed the capitol, the capitol police who didn’t arrest them, the Republicans who continue to stand by Trump—and the Republicans who don’t.
Also: Eric Foner provides historical context for Wednesday’s events in Washington, and also the victories in the Georgia Senate races. 1-7-2021
The Trump mob at the capitol: Harold Meyerson; Gregg Gonsalves on Vaccines; Ella Taylor on TV
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The Trump mob attack on the capitol should have been expected, says Harold Meyerson–Trump himself had been calling for it for weeks. But it signals an irreparable split in the Republican Party.
Also: Priorities for vaccination against covid-19 need to be based both on science and on ethics – Gregg Gonsalves explains.
And Ella Taylor talks about the documentary “Dissident,” on the murder of Jamal Kashoggi, and the Tom Hanks western, “News of the World.” 1-7-2021
Trump Books of 2020: An Unexpected ‘Best of” List — LA Times op-ed 12-31-2020
Donald Trump has been bad for America but good for American book publishers. Dozens of books about Trump were published in 2020, some selling millions of copies. Here is a highly personal assessment.
Best book that doesn’t mention Trump until the end: “A Promised Land” by Barack Obama. During the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill crisis, Obama reports, Trump called to suggest that he be put in charge of plugging the well to stop the leak. Told that the well was almost sealed, he offered instead to build “a beautiful ballroom” on the White House grounds. . . .
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Vaccine Priorities: Politics and Ethics–Gregg Gonsalves on Covid-19, plus John Nichols on politics in 2020
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Vaccine priorities: political and ethical questions about who comes first, after health care workers. Gregg Gonsalves considers the arguments—the choice is between reducing the death toll—which means giving priority to the oldest people—and keeping society functioning—which means giving priority to essential workers. And the Global South must be included in all vaccine distribution plans—because “the virus doesn’t care where you live.”
Also: 2020 in review: the political year began with Bernie winning early primaries and losing the rest; then came the summer of Black Lives Matter, with the largest protest movement in American history; and then Election Day, without fighting in the streets or the courts overturning the results. John Nichols comments. 12-30-2020
Voters in 2020: Joan Walsh; Trump Kids in 2020: Amy Wilentz; Films in 2020: Ella Taylor
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A year, and a decade, of political challenges: Joan Walsh reviews the fall and rise of Kamala Harris, the return of Joe Biden, and the deepening problem posed over the last decade by white voters who now support Trump.
Also, Amy Wilentz looks back on how things went in 2020 for Ivanka, Jared, Don Junior and Little Eric.
And Ella Taylor talks about her favorite films of 2020 – starting with Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, starring Viola Davis and the late Chadwick Boseman—his last film. 12-31-2020
White Voters in 2020—and Everybody Else: Joan Walsh on Politics, plus Amy Wilentz on the Trump Kids
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A year, and a decade, of political challenges: Joan Walsh reviews the fall and rise of Kamala Harris, the return of Joe Biden, and the deepening problem posed over the last decade by white voters who now support Trump.
And Amy Wilentz reviews what happened in 2020 to Ivanka, Jared, Don Junior and Eric Trump—boy did those kids get into trouble this year! Jared was put in charge of pandemic response, Ivanka carried the bible for that disastrous photo-op, and Don Junior and Eric tried to outdo their father on the campaign trail. 12-23-2020