Going After Wall Street: KPFK Wed. 4/28

“The Goldman Sachs scandal has done the unthinkable,” says HAROLD MEYERSON of the Washington Post op-ed page: “It’s made it possible that legislation reining in Wall Street’s casino may actually be enacted.”
But the odds are still against real reform –And the problem isn’t just Republican opposition; there are also the Democrats.

Plus:  ROBERT KUTTNER talks about A Presidency in Peril: The Inside Story of Obama’s Promise, Wall Street’s Power, and the Struggle to Control our Economic Future.
Bob is a founder of The American Prospect, contributor to the Boston Globe and the Huffington Post and has worked as chief investogator for the Senate Banking Committee.

Also: REBECCA SKLOOT talks about how racism, poverty and science came together in the case of a poor black woman whose cells—taken without her knowledge—became one of the most important tools in medicine. Rebecca’s book is THE IMMORTAL LIFE OF HENRIETTA LACKS.  Rebecca’s LA events: Thurs. 4/29 at 7pm at Eso Won Books in Liemert Park in L.A. – 4331 Degnan Blvd. in L.A.; Fri., 4/30 at 7PM: at Vroman’s Bookstore, 695 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena; more local events HERE.

BookFest at UCLA Preview: KPFK Wed. 4/21

L.A. Times Festival of Books Preview: DAVID ULIN, book editor of the L.A. Times, talks about BookFest highlights, including his own sessions with Dave Eggers and Elif Batuman.  BookFest schedule, info HERE. Tickets required but free from Ticketmaster: HERE. My session: “Does the American economy have a future?”  Sunday 11:00 Rolfe Hall.

Plus ROBERT MEEROPOL talks about the 20th anniversary of the Rosenberg Fund for Children.  He also will report on new info on the Rosenberg case in the new  book Exoneration by Emily and David Alman.  Upcoming RFC events in LA:  Sat. in Santa Monica, 4:30-6:30: contact Henry Slucki 310-556-2529 or hslucki@usc.edu; Sun. 10:15am,New Revelations in the Rosenberg Case” American Jewish Univ., 15600 Mulholland Dr., Bel-Air.  more info HERE.

Also: politics and photography – DOROTHEA LANGE took the photo called “Migrant Mother,” the iconic image of the Great Depression and the New Deal -0- and a lot of other photos the government censored.  LINDA GORDON will explain – her book Dorothea Lange, a Life Beyond Limits has been nominated for the LA Times Book Prize in biography. Linda’s session at the BookFest is Saturday 12:30pm in Young Hall.  (originally broadcast 11/4/2009)

A Historians’ Lies About Ike: The Nation 4/21

Stephen Ambrose, the best-selling historian who wrote or edited more than a dozen books about Eisenhower as general and president, based his fame in large part on what he said were his interviews with Ike – but now, eight years after Ambrose’s death, an official at the Eisenhower Library in Abeline says the interviews never took place.
Continued at TheNation.com HERE

Orlando Figes, Historian in Trouble: The Nation, 4/20

A prominent British historian has found a new way to get in trouble: Orlando Figes, a historian of Stalin’s Russia at Birkbeck College, London, and a contributor to the New York Review, has admitted that his wife has been publishing hostile comments about rival historians at Amazon.co.uk under a pseudonym.

The practice of using a pseudonym to post denunciations of rivals or critics on the internet is called “using a sock puppet.”   CONTINUED at TheNation.com: HERE.

David Remnick on Obama: KPFK Wed. 4/14

From the Center for Obama Studies at KPFK: DAVID REMNICK, editor of The New Yorker, talks about his new book The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama. He’s speaking Thursday at 7:30pm at the Writers Guild Theatre, 135 S. Doheny Dr., Beverly Hills– tickets are $20 at writersblocpresents.com.

Also: KPFK Sports! the Dodgers’ won their home opener yesterday 9-5 against the Arizona Diamondbacks –we’ll speak with MARK KURLANSKY about the Dodgers who started out in Dominican Republic. Mark’s new book is The Eastern Stars: How Baseball Changed the Dominican Town of San Pedro de Macoris. He’ll be at the BookFest at UCLA Sunday April 25 at 1:30 in Young Hall.

Plus: China today has more millionaires, more skyscrapers, and more internet users than any other country. But what happened to Mao? What happened to the Cultural Revolution?  Everything you need to know about China – but were afraid to ask: UCI historian JEFF WASSERSTROM will explain. His new book is China in the 21st Century: What Everyone Needs to Know.
Jeff will be at the BookFest at UCLA on the China panel Sunday April 25 at noon in Young Hall.

Quitting Afghanistan: KPFK Wed. 4/7

Only one State Department official has resigned in protest over our war in Afghanistan: MATTHEW HOH.  Now he has been awarded The Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling.  At a time when Afghanistan was still looked at as the “good war,” Hoh came forward, publicly and at great personal risk, to challenge the war’s fundamental rationale. His passionate and informed letter of resignation lit a spark and was, for many, a crucial argument against our war in Afghanistan.

Plus: our Washington update with HAROLD MEYERSON, he writes a column for the Washington Post op-ed page and he’s editor-at-large of The American Prospect.

Also: “SAVING STATE U.: NANCY FOLBRE says public universities and colleges need a commitment to “an economic system that nurtures hope, curiosity and confidence in the future citizens of our country.” Nancy is a staff economist with the Center for Popular Economics; she teaches economics at UMass Amherst, and she writes for the New York Times Economix blog, where she wrote recently about “The World’s Best Countries for Women.” She also won a MacArthur “genius” award.
Read about misuse of UC student fees HERE

Your Minnesota Moments: Sarah Palin in Minneapolis HEREFact-Checking Michelle Bachman HERE

Obama’s Path: Clinton or Truman? KPFK Wed. 3/31

Obama can follow the example of Bill Clinton, move to the center, and “triangulate” between Democrats and Republicans.  Or Obama can follow the example of Harry Truman and become an effective partisan and a resolute progressive — That’s what ROBERT KUTTNER says – he’s founding co-editor of The American Prospect.

Also: Is Obama’s health care bill constitutional? 14 state attorney generals say it isn’t.   ERWIN CHEMERINSKY comments – he’s dean of the law school at UC Irvine.

Plus: TOM FRANK asks, When will the GOP stop whining about the ‘elites’? Glen Beck & Co. claim to be victims — of those darn liberals who control everything.  Tom is the author of What’s the Matter with Kansas? and he writes a column for the Wall Street Journal. He’s also founding editor of The Baffler. WATCH the TRAILER for the documentary “What’s the Matter with Kansas” HERE

At Last, A Health Care Bill: KPFK Wed. 3/24

Maybe you heard the news: yesterday President Obama signed the health care bill into law — the most sweeping social legislation enacted in decades and the true end of the Age of Reagan. We’ll have comment from HAROLD MEYERSON of the Washington Post op-ed page and JOHN NICHOLS, Washington correspondent of The Nation magazine, each assessing the achievements, and the limitations, of what the Democrats did.

Scary new Harris poll: GOP Beliefs about Obama: “He’s a Socialist”: 67% agree;  “He’s a Muslim”: 57% agree;  “Not born in the US”: 45% agree;  “May be the Anti-Christ”: 24% agree.  (And I thought the antiChrist was . . . Johnny Rotten!)  More info HERE.

Also: How a well-connected oil company revolutionized the way America makes war – and why Obama still needs them: PRATAP CHATTERJEE talks about the past and future of Halliburton and its former subsidiary KBR. Pratap is senior editor of CorpWatch and has written for the Financial Times, the Guardian and The Independent of London. His book Halliburton’s Army is out now in paperback.

Eric Foner: “History” in Texas Schools – KPFK 3/17

ERIC FONER looks at the changes in the social studies curriculum approved by the Texas Board of Ed – and what the new standards tell us about conservatives’ vision of American history. Their favorite topics: the Confederacy, the military, and religion; topics they cut include slavery, labor, and feminism.  WATCH Eric on “The Colbert Report” on Comedy Central Tuesday night HEREREAD the Texas curriculum changes HERE.

Also: Columnist HAROLD MEYERSON says “the road to America’s economic recovery starts in LA”: with a sales tax increase passed in November 2008 by L.A. County’s voters to construct new rail and bus lines — a major environmental and stimulus program that won’t add to the federal deficit.  He wrote about it in his column for for the Washington Post op-ed page.

And historian IRA BERLIN analyzes four epic migrations of African-Americans: the slave trade; then the relocation of a million slaves to the interior of the antebellum South; then the move by six million blacks to northern cities a century later; and since the late 1960s, the arrival of black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean.
Ira teaches at the University of Maryland; his new book is The Making of African America: The Four Great Migrations.

Mike Davis: Borax Miners – KPFK Wed. 3/10

The largest open pit mine in California is the the US Borax/Rio Tinto mine in Boron, where  the company has locked out neary 600 members of the ILWU Local 30 after workers rejected demands that they surrender any union role in the labor process. MIKE DAVIS reports on the Boron workers in the new issue of The Nation magazine; TERRI JUDD is a union activist who drives a 1600-horsepower loader in the mine.  More info: http://www.boraxminers.com/

Also: “Consider the Germans”: TOM GEOGHEGHAN notes that, since 2003, it’s not China but Germany, “that colossus of European socialism,” that has led the world in exports. Germany has somehow managed to create a high-wage, unionized economy without shipping all its jobs abroad or creating a massive trade deficit, or any trade deficit at all.  Tom is a labor lawyer who wrote about Germany for the March Harper’s.

Plus: Debunking 9-11 Conspiracy Theories: DAVID AARONOVITCH is a columnist for The Times (London) and a recipient of the Orwell Prize for Political Journalism. (Other winners: Patrick Cockburn and Robert Fisk.)  His new book Voodoo Histories is “a brilliant, sparkling, and witty demolition” of  9-11 conspiracy theories, “and an analysis of why otherwise intelligent people are so ready to believe in them.” – Ian Kershaw, author of Hitler.