The world’s most famous artist has a new piece, exhibited here for the first time — it consists of six large scale-model dioramas illustrating different elements of his eighty-one-day imprisonment.
Read more:
Brits Crack Down on Unpaid Internships:
The Nation 6/3
Alarmed about “the number of companies recruiting young people to work for nothing,” British tax officials are forcing nine companies to pay more than $300,000 in back wages to unpaid interns. . . .
…continued at, HERE and at The Nation HERE
Dartmouth Students who Protest Rape Charged with Violating Rules: TheNation 5/31
Dartmouth College students who filed a federal complaint against the school for failing to report sexual assaults are themselves being charged by the school with violating the student code of conduct. Their crime: “failing to follow college officials’ instructions” about participating at a protest. . . .
. . . . continued at, HERE
Commencement Speakers: Too Many Liberals? KPCC 5/30
“When it comes to selecting a commencement speaker, the nation’s top 100 universities lean decidedly left,” Fox News argues. My debate with Kevin Hassett, Director of Economic Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute, on KPCC’s “Air Talk” with Larry Mantle.
KPFK 5/29: Pre-empted for fund drive
For the record: oday’s show on KPFK was pre-empted by special fund drive programming.
We Steal Secrets: Alex Gibney talks about Wikileaks: The Nation 5/24
It’s a classic David and Goliath story: one man with a computer against the world’s most powerful nation. But the real David in the Wikileaks story, according to filmmaker Alex Gibney, is not Julian Assange — it’s Bradley Manning. Q&A at, HERE.
Alex Gibney’s film “We Steal Secrets” The Story of Wikileaks” opens in LA and NYC on Friday May 24.
Jeremy Scahill: Dirty Wars: Q&A in LA Review of Books 5/23
From the Center for the Study of Dirty Wars: my Q&A with JEREMY SCAHILL – he wrote about Obama’s secret wars in Yemen, Somalia and elsewhere in his new book DIRTY WARS: The World is a Battlefield. It entered the New York Times bestseller list at #5 last week.
At the LA Review of Books, HERE.
“We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks”: KPFK 5/22
LISTEN online HERE— iTunes podcast HERE
On June 4 Bradley Manning goes on trial, charged with espionage and “aiding the enemy,” for releasing to Wikileaks, and the New York Times and The Guardian, hundreds of thousands of classified files documenting widespread civilian casualties, torture, and corruption in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. Now an amazing new film explores the David and Goliath story of one man with a computer against the world’s most powerful nation: “We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks.”
We’ll speak with filmmaker ALEX GIBNEY—his other films include “Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room,” and “Taxi to the Dark Side,” which won the Oscar for best feature documentary.
“We Steal Secrets” opens in LA and New York Friday May 24. WATCH the trailer HERE.
Bradley Manning Support Network, with Daniel Ellsberg, Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky: HERE.
Ry Cooder Sings about the Koch Bros. & the LA Times: KPFK 5/15
Live music from RY COODER: his new song protesting the Koch Bros. attempted take-over of the LA Times: broadcast from KPFK Wednesday. He sang it for the first time at the protest against the Koch Bros, downtown LA on Tuesday.
Streaming audio now at
“we don’t want your millions mister
we don’t want your watch and chain
All we want is our news-paper
give us back the Times again.”
Back from Baghdad: KPFK 5/15
LISTEN online HERE— SUBSCRIBE to iTunes podcast HERE
Back from Baghdad: MARK LeVINE reports on Iraq ten years after the US invasion. Mark teaches the history of the modern Middle East at UC Irvine and writes for Al Jazeera English.
Also: “No Koch brothers hate in LA” – That was the slogan of a demonstration yesterday by labor unions, environmentalists and public interest advocates who rallied against the proposed takeover of the LA Times by David and Charles Koch.
Featured at the rally – a new song by our own RY COODER about the Koch Brothers and the LA Times. we will feature Ry’s brand new recording of the song.
Plus: A new book about Gore Vidal: I TOLD YOU SO: GORE VIDAL TALKS POLITICS—Interviews with Jon Wiener. It’s our featured thank-you gift in the KPFK fund drive this hour—please call and pledge during the show, 818-985-5735.
And we’ll also have Your Minnesota Moment: yesterday governor Mark Dayton signed a bill legalizing gay marriage.