
Debate over Whittaker Chambers: 10/14

Whittaker Chambers’ grandson David  says “Dr. Jon Wiener needs to set some facts straight”  in his article at about visiting the Pumpkin Patch National Historic Landmark . . . .
And Dr. Wiener replies, “Readers can be assured I did indeed visit the site.”
. . . continued at HERE


Gay Baiting Gore Vidal: 1960 Politics – HuffPost 10/8

Gore Vidal was not just a novelist and essayist; he also ran for Congress in 1960 in upstate New York. In a 1988 interview I asked him whether there was any gay-baiting in that campaign.

“Even then it was considered bad karma to fuck around with old Gore,” he told me. . .

. . . continued at the Huffington Post HERE

Tribute to Hobsbawm: LA Review of Books, 10/4

ERIC HOBSBAWM, who died October 1 at age 95, was one of the world’s greatest historians, and also a Marxist. He was not just an academic — he was also a lifelong Communist with a capital “C,” a full-fledged member of the Party since his teenage years.. . .
. . . continued at the LA Review of Books HERE.

Bob Dylan’s ‘Tempest’: Q&A with Greil Marcus: The Nation 10/2

Jon Wiener: How does Dylan sound to you on Tempest?

Greil Marcus: He sounds like himself. He sounds sly, as he’s always sounded. He sounds as if there’s a twinkle in his eye; as if there’s a joke he’s letting you in on, maybe halfway, and you’ll have to find your way to the end of the joke yourself.  That’s pretty much been his mode all along.
. . . continued at HERE

Remembering David Rakoff: The Nation, 8-11

David Rakoff, who died August 9 at age 47, was funny and smart about many things, including politics in America. “George W. Bush made me want to become an American,” he said in our radio interview in November, 2005. . . .

. . .  continued at HERE.

Remembering Gore Vidal: The Nation, 8-1

Gore Vidal was a citizen of the republic and a critic of the empire.  “We are the United States of Amnesia,” he wrote in The Nation in 2004. “We learn nothing because we remember nothing.”
More at,HERE.

What Romney’s Hiding: The Nation 7/21

The news has been full of speculation about why Mitt Romney won’t release his tax returns before 2010. People say maybe it’s because he paid zero taxes one year, or maybe he made a truly stupendous amount of money one year, or maybe they show he stayed at Bain Capital longer than he’s said.

I have a different theory: Romney won’t release his tax returns because they show he’s actually a Muslim born in Kenya. . . . continued at, HERE

Bain Capital & Salvadoran Death Squads: Nation 7/19

Some of the first investors in Mitt Romney’s firm Bain Capital, according to a report on the Los Angeles Times, were Salvadoran families living in Miami with members accused by the US government of funding death squads in the brutal civil war in El Salvador. . . .
. . . continued at, HERE