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Trump seems to have changed his mind about a lot of things in the last day or two –it seems like Putin is no longer his number one friend, China is no longer his number one enemy, and Steve Bannon is no longer his number one “chief strategist.” Harold Meyerson comments.
Also: how we got from Ferguson to Trump’s election: Chris Hayes explains—his new book is “A Colony in a Nation.”
Plus: Is Trump like Nixon? Is collusion with the Russians to win election sort of like Watergate? We’ll ask John A. Farrell – his new book is “Richard Nixon: The Life.”
Tom Frank: Would Bernie Have Been Able to Beat Trump? Hell Yes!
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I n the Rust Belt, “they hated Hillary”—that’s what Tom Frank found on his recent book tour for the paperback edition of Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?
Also: Is Ivanka Trump responsible for her father’s attack on Syria? Amy Wilentz comments on the president’s reliance on his daughter—and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Plus: Now that Neil Gorsuch has been sworn in as a Supreme Court justice, Ari Berman reviews the big picture of the battle for voting rights.
What Would Jesus Do–About Trump? Sarah Posner Q&A:, 4/7
Evangelicals and politics, before–and after–the election: Sarah Posner of The Nation Institute reports on Evangelical leaders’ opposition to Trump at the beginning of the primary season — and the deal they made with him in exchange for their endorsement:
first of all, his Supreme Court picks.
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Katha Pollitt: How Trump Made Feminism Cool: TrumpWatch 4/6
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Katha Pollitt of The Nation traces the ways Trump has made feminism cool.
Plus: Chris Hayes reviews Trump’s defeats and disasters–
and John Nichols talks about the Gorsuch filibuster and what comes next — at the Supreme Court, and in the Senate.
Chris Hayes: Donald Trump Is a Law-and-Order President In the Worst Possible Way. TheNation 4/6
Chris Hayes talks about race, incarceration, and politics in his new book A Colony in a Nation—Salon called it “a dark book for a dark time.”
ow we got from the events in Ferguson to the election of you-know-who:Plus: Although Trump was the least Christian of all the Republican candidates, white evangelicals voted for him overwhelmingly, despite the work of some prominent evangelical leaders. Sarah Posner of the Nation Institute analyzes the political deal that evangelicals made—she wrote about the issue last month for The New Republic.
And Gary Younge explains what it’s been like talking about kids killed by guns—on call-in shows on talk radio. His book Another Day in the Death of America: A Chronicle of Ten Short Lives recently won the Anthony J. Lukas Prize.
Chris Hayes: Americans Hated Trump’s Health-Care Plan—Will They Go For Single Payer?
JW: A week after repeal-and-replace failed in the House, we’re trying to assess the damage to Trump and the opportunities for progressives. Seems to me this is a disaster for Trump, and a disaster for the Republican Party. Is it possible this is wrong?
Chris Hayes: No. I don’t think you’re wrong. What an unbelievable failure. I have never, in my political reporting career, seen something crash and burn quite like this. Sixty times they voted for repeal, while Obama was president, and now you cannot get a vote for this piece of, frankly, garbage legislation that no one liked—no one across the ideological spectrum.
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Chris Hayes: Trump ‘Knew Literally—And I Mean Literally—Nothing About’ His Health-Care Bill
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Chris Hayes assesses the damage to Trump and to the Republicans caused by the failure of their effort to end Obamacare—and the opportunities the major defeat now opens up for progressives.
Plus: The deepening crisis facing Trump over questions about his campaign’s collusion with the Russians. Joan Walsh comments.
And Amy Wilentz argues that all the publicity about Ivanka and her children is part of a Trump media campaign to distract the public and delight tabloid readers.
Is Trump Like Nixon? Rick Perlstein Q&A 3/29
If you Google the question “Is Trump Like Nixon,” you get something like four million reults, mostly answering ‘yes.’
But we weren’t so sure about that, so we checked with Rick Perlstein–he wrote the book Nixonland.
READ our Q&A with Rick Perlstein HERE
One of Trump’s Biggest Donors Thinks Cats Have More Value Than Welfare Recipients: 3/24
The GOP Repeal-and-Replace Fiasco: John Nichols on Trump Watch 3/23
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The House GOP abandoned its vote to repeal Obamacare and replace it with TrumpCare, I mean RyanCare. On ”Trump Watch” we have comment from John Nichols of The Nation.
Also: Why do many white workers who voted for Trump still support him? The Nation sent D.D. Guttenplan to the rust belt to find out— he’s returned now with his report.
Plus: The City of LA has expanded its sanctuary policy – but the County sheriff is pulling back from the crucial question of the jails. We’ll speak about it with Ahilan Arulanantham, legal director of the ACLU of southern California.