
Obama’s Fight Against Secrecy: LA Times, Wed. 1/6

“For a long time now there’s been too much secrecy in this city.” That’s what President Obama said on his first day in office. He was talking about the way George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had used 9/11 as a pretext for pulling a veil over many of their key policies and actions. Last week, Obama announced he was replacing Bush’s executive order on classified documents with a new one designed to reduce secrecy. Obama’s policies are a distinct improvement, but they don’t really solve the underlying problem.

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Fox News Scare Tactics: The Nation, 1/04

“They’ll send me to jail if I don’t sign up for Obama’s health care,” an 89-year-old woman said at my family holiday gathering last week. She was agitated and angry. “Imagine sending someone to jail – at my age!”

Even the Republicans in the room rushed to reassure her: “You’re covered by Medicare. You’re already signed up. Nobody is going to jail.”

“Well I don’t like it one bit,” she said, still upset.

She’s an intelligent and well-informed person; where did she get this idea?

From Fox News, of course.

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“War is Over!” 40 Years Later: The Nation, 12/27

“War Is Over! If you want it” – a full page ad in the Sunday New York Times Dec. 27 must have puzzled many readers. The ad marked an anniversary: it was 40 years ago today that John Lennon and Yoko Ono launched their “War Is Over!” campaign, with billboards in New York, London, Hollywood, Toronto, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Athens and Tokyo – and in much smaller type at the bottom, “Happy Christmas, John and Yoko.” The message was repeated on posters, leaflets, and newspaper ads.

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Arguing about the Afghan War: The Nation 12/18

The Best Argument for the Afghan War — and What’s Wrong with It:

For those of us on the left, the best argument in favor of the Afghan war is not Obama’s claim that we need to stop Al Qaeda from returning to its bases in Afghanistan. . . . The best argument is that we have an obligation to the Afghan people – especially to the feminists, secular teachers, labor organizers, health workers, democrats, all those working to build a secular, civil society. We encouraged them to help create a real alternative to religious fundamentalism. It would be wrong now to abandon them to the Taliban.
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Bob Dylan’s Weird Christmas Album: Nation 12/13

Fans have been puzzled and troubled by Bob Dylan’s new Christmas album. To help figure out what Dylan is doing, we turned to Sean Wilentz — he’s the official historian at the official website, and he also teaches American history at Princeton. He’s written many books, including “The Age of Reagan.”

Q. “Christmas in the Heart” opens with “Here Comes Santa Claus,” a Gene Autry song which, I have to say, is one of the most annoying holiday songs ever written, even before Bob Dylan sang it. “Hang your stockings, say your prayers” — is this a joke?

A. It’s not a joke at all. This is Bob Dylan looking back to his own childhood. He sings the songs that he heard as a kid in Hibbing. He’s recalling that time and those songs and that spirit.

The way Dylan sings “I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” it sounds like a threat, a reason to lock your doors. . . .

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Howard Zinn, “The People Speak”: Nation 12/8

The first time HOWARD ZINN”s now-classic book A People’s History of the United States appeared on TV was in “The Sopranos” on HBO, when Tony’s teenage son A.J. came home from school with a copy of the book and told his parents that, according to Zinn, Columbus was a slaveowner and murderer. Tony got mad, and replied, “In this house Columbus is a hero. End of story!”

That was 1999. This Sunday, Dec. 13, Zinn’s “The People Speak” – the documentary inspired by his books A People’s History and Voices of a People’s History — will be broadcast on the History channel at 8 PM/7 Central. . . .

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From Grant Park to Afghanistan: The Nation 12/1

When Barack Obama gave his victory speech on election night last November, he picked Chicago’s Grant Park – the legendary site of the battle between anti-war demonstrators and Chicago cops during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968. According to campaign manager David Axelrod, Obama chose Grant Park to “symbolically overcome the damage done to American idealism forty years before.”

In 1968, Grant Park had dramatized the fratricidal split between Democrats over Vietnam. On the night of Nov. 4, 2008, Obama was suggesting all that had come to an end. The party was united and victorious.

But Obama’s speech tonight at West Point, announcing the escalation of the American war in Afghanistan, raised anew the specter of Grant Park in 1968. Once again a Democratic president is making a deeper commitment to an unwinnable war. . . .

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Water on the Moon/Money for NASA: The Nation 11/14

“Water found on the moon,” the headlines said – water that “could be used for drinking,” the LA Times reported, possibly enough for “future astronauts to live off the land.” . . .

A modest proposal: forget about sending people to the moon to drink the water there, and instead spend the $3 billion a year on improving the drinking water here on earth.


Berlin, Israel, Mexico: Three Walls. The Nation 11/2

It’s being called “the most ambitious commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall outside of Germany”: “The Wall Project” in Los Angeles — and its political message will surprise many. Artists commissioned by the organizers have promised works that draw analogies between the Berlin Wall and the wall the Israelis have erected along the border with the West Bank, and the wall the US has erected along the Mexican border.

That’s not exactly the sort of thing Ronald Reagan had in mind when he stood in Berlin in 1989 and said “Tear down this wall!”
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UC Budget Protests Draw Thousands: The Nation 9/25

Thursday’s “Day of Action” against draconian budget cuts at the University of California campuses brought thousands of people to rallies at all ten campuses.  At UC Berkeley, 5,000 students and workers, along with many faculty members, rallied at noon.  At the same hour at UCLA, 700 students and workers and a few faculty members gathered at Bruin Plaza.  And 500 rallied at UC Irvine, which Time magazine described as “normally placid.”

The normally placid UC Irvine is where I teach.

The best sign I saw at the UCI rally read “If I wanted to go to a private school, I would have been born into a rich family.”

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