Starting with Bill Clinton’s Back to Work: Clinton’s argument about “why we need smart government for a strong economy” begins at the end of his presidency in 2000, when employment was booming. But to understand what has happened since then, you need to understand what Clinton did.
Then comes Chris Matthews’s Jack Kennedy, Elusive Hero — and at the end of the list, Dick Cheney’s In My Time.
… full story at, HERE.
Interview with Hitchens: Truthdig 2007
Jon Wiener: You show in your book God Is Not Great how many horrible things men have done because of religion. In Belfast, Beirut, Bombay, Belgrade and Baghdad, men kill other men, and say God told them to do it. But why blame God for the bad things that men do?
Christopher Hitchens: I don’t blame God. I blame religion. I don’t believe there is such a thing as God. Religion makes people do wicked things they wouldn’t ordinarily do. . .
. . . continued at, HERE
Five Best Political Books of 2011: TheNation 12/15
A personal list, starting with Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State . . .
. . . and then To End All Wars: A Story of Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914–1918, by Adam Hochschild. . .
. . . and Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention, by Manning Marable.
Posted at, HERE.
David Montgomery, 1927-2011: The Nation
David Montgomery, one of the founders of the “New Labor History” in the United States, who inspired a generation of activists and historians, died December 2. He was 84. David lived a remarkable life: blacklisted as a union organizer in the 1950s, twenty years later he was named Farnam Professor of History at Yale. Even as Farnam Professor he remained a deeply political animal, working with local labor activists, black and white, in New Haven and elsewhere.
I’ll never forget David’s story about how he became an academic.
. . . continued at HERE
Berkeley Faculty Condemns Chancellor for Police Violence: Nation 11/28
The Berkeley Academic Senate voted 336 to 34 on Monday afternoon to “condemn” Chancellor Robert Birgeneau for his administration’s “authorization of violent responses to nonviolent protests over the past two years,” culminating in the police attack on nonviolent Occupy Cal demonstrators on November 9. . . .
. . . . continued at HERE.
Berkeley Faculty: No Confidence in Chancellor Over Campus Police Violence: Nation 11/25
On Monday, the Berkeley Academic Senate will vote on a resolution expressing “no confidence” in their chancellor, Robert Birgeneau, because of police violence against Occupy Cal campus activists there on November 9. The chancellor’s defense of police conduct was particularly outrageous: “It is unfortunate that some protesters chose to obstruct the police by linking arms,” he declared the day after the police confrontation. “This is not non-violent civil disobedience.”. . .
. . . continued at HERE
Pepper Spray on Campus: A Tale of Two Videos — The Nation 11/20
Two unforgettable videos flew around the world wide web on Saturday, one horrifying, the other inspiring. Everybody knows the first: black-clad cops at UC Davis shooting pepper-spray into the faces of Occupy Wall Street student demonstrators who are sitting passively on the ground with linked arms. More than two million people have watched that video on YouTube—you might title it “the whole world is watching.” But there’s a second video, shot the next night, that is amazing in a different way . . .
. . . continued at HERE
Eric Hobsbawm: How to Change the World — LA Review of Books 11/4
Eric Hobsbawm, How to Change the World: Reflections on Marx and Marxism
He’s Back! cried the headline in The Times of London in fall 2008 as global stock markets crashed and banks failed. The “he,” of course, was Karl Marx, who had written 160 years earlier about the periodic “crises of capitalism.” . . .
. . . continued at the L.A. Review of Books HERE
How Homeland Security Increases Your Cancer Risk: The Nation 11/2
The cancer danger from the new airport security scanners–which look under a traveler’s clothing–is greater than we had feared. “Research suggests that anywhere from six to 100 Americans could get cancer each year from the machines,” ProPublica’s Michael Grabell says. “Still, the TSA has repeatedly defined the scanners as ‘safe.'”. . .
. . . continued at HERE
Occupy Fox News: The Nation 10/21
Only in LA: On one side of Pico Blvd., the Rancho Park golf course, with joggers, dog walkers and of course, golfers; on the other, a hundred “Occupy Fox News” demonstrators outside Fox Studios, chanting “We – are – the 99 per cent!”; in between, a hundred LA cops, many with riot gear at the ready, and an entire city block of TV news trucks, bristling with giant satellite dishes, power cables up and down the street, and news reporters under lights talking earnestly into the cameras. . . .
. . . continued at HERE