Wed. 9/26: John Dean on The Rotten Republicans

JOHN DEAN says Republican rule has destoyed Congress, the Presidency, and the courts and he will explain what’s to be done about ignorant and apathetic American voters. He’s the guy who became counsel to the President in 1970 when he was thirty-one, and then served as counsel to President Nixon for a thousand days. His new book is BROKEN GOVERNMENT. John Dean will be speaking tomorrow/Thurs Sept 27: Vroman’s @ All Saints Church, 132 N Euclid Ave, Pasadena, 700pm.

Also: KENTUCKY AT WAR: BOB MOSER of The Nation reports on the 50-State Strategy: Can Democrats win in places they abandoned years ago to the Republicans? Today he reports on the anti-war movement in Louisville and how the effort to unseat pro-war Republican Senator Mitch McConnell in 2008 is looking good. Bob’s reports on politics in the red states will be running in the magazine through the campaign year. Check out the Hillbilly Report and the DitchMitch websites.

Plus: CLASS WAR IN THE AMERICAN WEST: Scott Martelle of the LA Times has a new book about the Ludlow Massacre – the seven-month-long battle in 1914 by striking immigrant coal miners which was ended only by the US army after 75 people on both sides had been killed. The book is BLOOD PASSION. Scott is appearing Sun Oct.7 at 5pm at Book Soup, 8818 Sunset Blvd., W. Hwyd.

More stuff to read: my “Chemerinsky and Irvine: What Happened?” at Inside Higher Ed.
and my “Chemerinsky and the Chief Justice: Something is Wrong” at the Huffington Post