The Afghan End Game: KPFK 4/10

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The Afghan End Game
: the amazing ANN JONES is back from Kabul with a report. For a decade she’s been working in Afghanistan on human rights and women’s issues, and writing for The Nation, Tom Dispatch, and others.  Her books include Kabul in WinterWhat will happen to the women when the US pulls out?  “Afghan women have already been abandoned,” she says.

Also: A spiritual journey into the Himalayas: PICO IYER talks about Peter Mattheson’s exploration of suffering, impermanence, and beauty in his classic book The Snow Leopard it’s out now in paperback.

Plus: Obama released his budget today, and it includes those cuts in Social Security.  JOHN NICHOLS of The Nation says “the Democrats will break with Obama” on this one.

. . . and Your Minnesota Moment:  Macalester College in St Paul is a target of the new “Kick Wells Fargo of Campus” campaign of United Students Against Sweatshops.