KPFK Sept. 15: Marjane Satrapi

MARJANE SATRAPI‘s comic strip memoir Persepolis described growing up in the Iran of the Ayotollas as the daughter of Marxist radicals; the book was captivating, funny and smart. Now the sequel is out: Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return: it’s about her teenage years: sex, drugs, rock n roll — and a million dead in the Iran-Iraq war. She’ll talk about her life and work.

Also: What should Kerry do? HAROLD MEYERSON of the LA Weekly, the American Prospect and the Washington Post op-ed page has some ideas.

Plus: How they could steal the election: RONNIE DUGGER will explain; he knows more about the problems with computerized voting than anyone alive. He’s the founding editor of The Texas Observer and has written biographies of Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan, as well as hundreds of articles for Harper’s Magazine, The Nation, The New Yorker, and The Progressive.