What’s the matter with Kansas? How come they vote Republican, even though that’s against their class interests? TOM FRANK explains the funny thing about the class war in America today: it’s about culture; it should be about economics. Tom’s new book is What’s the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America.
Plus: is Social Security in “crisis”? Are deficits always bad? What about the Bush deficit? MICHAEL MEEROPOL explains economic issues with refreshing clarity– he wrote the book Surrender: How the Clinton Administration Completed the Reagan Revolution.
Also: IAN WILLIAMS, UN correspondent for The Nation, with analysis of the fighting in Najaf and Baghdad. Ian’s new book is Deserter: George Bush’s War on Military Families, Veterans, and His Past.
web extra: watch the new attack ad from “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” — www.swiftvets.com — claiming Kerry “lied” about his Vietnam record —
and see Joe Conason’s critique, “Smear Boat Veterans for Bush” at www.Salon.com: “The “swift boat” veterans attacking John Kerry’s war record are led by veteran right-wing operatives using the same vicious techniques they used against John McCain four years ago.”