KPFK Wed. 8-3: Israel’s war on civilians

Prophets Outcast: A Century of Dissident Jewish Writing About Zionism and IsraelLISTEN TO THIS SHOW ONLINE
Over the weekend Israel bombed Qana, killing 56 civilians, 37 of them children. Israel officially apologized but claims Hezbollah tactics are responsible for civilian deaths in Lebanon. ADAM SHATZ, literary editor of The Nation, comments. Adam wrote about Israel and Lebanon for the LA Times op-ed page Tuesday. He’s also editor of Prophets Outcast:
A Century of Dissident Jewish Writing About Zionism and Israel.

WEB EXTRA: Report from inside Israel, from Gideon Levy of Haaretz: “Israel is sinking into a strident, nationalistic atmosphere and darkness is beginning to cover everything.”

ALSO: Pro-war Sen. JOE LIEBERMAN may be defeated in the Connecticut primary next Tuesday by anti-war challenger Ned Lamont. Bill and Hillary have endorsed Lieberman; the New York Times has endorsed Ned Lamont. JOHN NICHOLS explains: he’s Washington correspondent for The Nation and writes “The Online Beat” blog at
UPDATE: New poll Thurs 8/3 has Lamont ahead 54-41.

Stranger in a Strange Land: Encounters in the Disunited StatesPLUS: Stranger in a Strange Land: “Before I came to America from England, I asked an American journalist in London what kind of reactions to expect. “Well, when they hear an English accent Americans usually add twenty points to your IQ,” he replied. Recalling that the authors of The Bell Curve had claimed that black people have an IQ fifteen points lower than whites, I was heartened to think that even in the eyes of the most hardened racist I would still come out five points ahead.”” GARY YOUNGE is a correspondent for The Guardian.