No show today — the KPFK fund drive continues.
Web Extra: take a look online at the trailer for a new documentary, “The U.S. versus John Lennon” — or go to The film, which opens September 15, provides a compelling look at Lennon’s transformation from lovable mop-top to anti-war activist –and also tells the true story of how and why the U.S. government tried to silence him. (The trailer is also running in theaters, before the Al Gore documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.”) The message: “War is over — if you want it.”
ALSO: VICTOR NAVASKY in L.A.: the Publisher Emeritus of The Nation will be reading and signing A Matter of Opinion at 730pm Friday 6-23, at Skylight Books, 1818 N. Vermont Ave., L.A.. Victor is also a guest on The Tavis Smiley Show on Friday, KCET Channel 28, 11pm.