Obama Week One: KPFK Wed. 1/28

Our new president’s first week was a good one, with big steps on torture, Gitmo, health care, education, and ending the secrecy that charactized the Bush era — but will he succeed at repairing the economy?  Will he be able to help with foreclosures?  JOHN NICHOLS will comment — he’s Washington correspondent for The Nation and he writes “The Beat” blog at TheNation.com.
Also: the Academy Award nominations are out — we’ll talk about some of our favorites, including “Milk,” starring Sean Penn as gay activist Harvey Milk, and “Waltz with Bashir,” the Israeli animated film about soldiers’ memories of the 1983 massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps.
Award-winning film critic ELLA TAYLOR will comment —  she’s written for the LAWeekly, the Village Voice, the LA Times, the New York Times, The Atlantic and the Guardian.

Plus: our Gaza update from ROBERT DREYFUSS — he covers national security for Rolling Stone, and also writes for Mother Jones, The Nation and The American Prospect.

More stuff to read: my new piece in The Nation, “Rick Warren’s Clout.”