At Grambling “I joined a fraternity, a tremendous exercise in violence. The hazing of pledges is masculinity run off the rails. It’s an obscenity. It takes advantage of young men wanting to prove themselves physically—by submitting to abuse and enduring it—and then keeping it secret.” continued HERE
The Return of ‘Homeland’: Illusion, Reality, and Claire Danes: 10/4
Bill Clinton is a fan of “Homeland” — Claire Danes says they both appeared at the 2013 Golden Globes—where, she said, Clinton “asked if I would come and meet him in some special room.”
Can you really blame him?
. . . continued at, HERE
John Dean on the White House Tapes: TheNation 8/14
To celebrate the fortieth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation, we talked with John Dean—his new book is The Nixon Defense: What He Knew and When He Knew It.
What was it like for you to spend four years listening to Nixon talking?
I told my wife Maureen, “Men in my family go deaf in their mid-70s, and I’m getting there. God forbid that the last voice I hear is Richard Nixon’s.” Fortunately, Jon, I can hear your voice, so I’ve come out the other side.
. . . continued HERE
The Most Unequal University in America: The Nation 5/19
“Congratulations, Class of 2014, you’re totally screwed”…. The average student-loan borrower graduating in 2014 is $33,000 in debt, according to the Wall Street Journal—the highest amount ever. And a new study of public universities shows that student debt is worst at schools with the highest-paid presidents. .. . . continued at, HERE
Sandra Tsing Loh Q&A: The Nation, 5/17
Q. Did you always want to write a menopause book?
A. Isn’t that every girl’s dream?
. . . continued at The Nation, HERE
The Nixon Library Needs a New Director–Now TheNation 5/14
August 8 will be the fortieth anniversary of Nixon’s resignation. That’s a good target date for the long-overdue appointment of a new director of the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California. The library has been without a director for two and a half years, ever since the departure of Timothy Naftali in 2011. . .
… continued at HERE
7 Questions for Bill Maher: The Nation 5/1
Q. You do live shows all over the place. What’s it like to do your left-wing live show in a right-wing state like Alabama?
A. I’ve been to Alabama twice this year. It’s a lot of fun. I’ve yet to find a place in America that’s so backward I can’t find two or three thousand screaming liberals to come out on a Friday night and cheer for the blue team. I think they’re gratified to look around the room and see so many people who they didn’t realize live in their area and think like they do.
. . . . continued at The Nation, HERE
It’s May 1–Happy, er, Loyalty Day! TheNation, May 1.
For more than a century, May 1 has been celebrated as International Workers’ Day. It’s a national holiday in more than eighty countries. But here in the land of the free, May 1 has been officially declared “Loyalty Day” by President Obama. It’s a day “for the reaffirmation of loyalty”—not to the international working class, but to the United States of America.
. . . continued at, HERE
We’re the Asteroid: Elizabeth Kolbert Q&A on Species Extinction — TheNation 4/22
Q. The last wave of extinctions came when an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs and their world. What’s different about the species extinction that threatens now?
A. Scientists say now we’re the asteroid. This extinction event is unique because it’s being caused by a living thing
. . . . continued at, HERE
9 Questions for Errol Morris: The Nation 4/17
Jon Wiener: Donald Rumsfeld grins a lot in your movie “The Unknown Known.” The most memorable thing about this film is his grin. What do you make of it?
Errol Morris: Supreme self-satisfaction. Cluelessness. Inability to deal with the reality of what he’s done.
continued at The Nation, HERE or HERE