
Pardon Snowden: A Q&A with Ben Wizner. The Nation 9/12

Can Edward Snowden come home soon?  His lawyer, Ben Wizner of the ACLU, talks about what would happen in an espionage trial — and why Obama should issue a pardon.
The campaign to pardon Snowden, led by the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International, is collecting signatures on a petition:

Minnesota’s Mini-Trump–and the Lesbian Mother of 4 Challenging Him: The Nation 9/2

They call him “Minnesota’s mini-Trump”: Jason Lewis, the right-wing talk-show host who’s running for Congress for an open Republican seat in the suburbs south of the Twin Cities, the 2nd Congressional District. It’s the same seat Bill Maher targeted two years ago in his “Flip-a-district” campaign—only then it was held by a six-term Republican incumbent named John Kline. Maher’s effort didn’t work; Kline was reelected.. . .
continued at HERE

Are Hillary’s Poll Numbers Misleading? 8/7

Political science tells us Hillary Clinton will win the election—the poll numbers are so clearly in her favor. As of this moment, the authoritative FiveThirtyEight “polls only” forecast says Clinton’s chance of beating Trump is 86.6 percent. But polling is an inexact science, and a lot of pundits are asking: Could the polls be wrong this time?
. . . continued HERE

Tavis Smiley Q&A: The Nation 2/8

Tavis Smiley talks about Martin Luther King’s final year—the year that began with his speech condemning the war in Vietnam, where he called the US “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.”  That year ended, of course, with the sanitation workers’ strike in Memphis.
Print version of the longer interview published online on MLK Day HERE