At Last, A Health Care Bill: KPFK Wed. 3/24

Maybe you heard the news: yesterday President Obama signed the health care bill into law — the most sweeping social legislation enacted in decades and the true end of the Age of Reagan. We’ll have comment from HAROLD MEYERSON of the Washington Post op-ed page and JOHN NICHOLS, Washington correspondent of The Nation magazine, each assessing the achievements, and the limitations, of what the Democrats did.

Scary new Harris poll: GOP Beliefs about Obama: “He’s a Socialist”: 67% agree;  “He’s a Muslim”: 57% agree;  “Not born in the US”: 45% agree;  “May be the Anti-Christ”: 24% agree.  (And I thought the antiChrist was . . . Johnny Rotten!)  More info HERE.

Also: How a well-connected oil company revolutionized the way America makes war – and why Obama still needs them: PRATAP CHATTERJEE talks about the past and future of Halliburton and its former subsidiary KBR. Pratap is senior editor of CorpWatch and has written for the Financial Times, the Guardian and The Independent of London. His book Halliburton’s Army is out now in paperback.